Twin Flame Reunion

Twin Flame Reunion

A twin flame is a person who mirrors your soul in a perfect manner. It is the most intense relationship someone can have in life. You may have already met your twin flame and for some reason you two were not ready to be with one another. Still, your paths are destined to cross again and this is a twin flame reunion. When this is about to happen, the mind and body will be able to feel it because twin flames reverberate on a higher level. So how do you know what is coming? We will help show you by sharing the signs and symptoms that a twin flame reunion is in the works.

  • Feel Something is Missing – One of the first symptoms is a feeling of intense incompletion, like your soul is not whole. If this emptiness does not exist, you will not try to fill it. Neither you nor your twin flame may know what is missing, but you can feel it. This can happen overnight. This feeling will linger and as you piece together the other signs, you will realize your twin flame reunion will soon happen.
  • Feel Their Energy – It can be difficult to define energy, but for twin flames, it is a feeling of an active presence inside and around you. The intensity is unlike any other when it comes to the twin flame. You may suddenly start feeling your twin flame’s thoughts, emotions, and personal energy levels even when not thinking about them. This is a sign your souls are starting to vibrate on the same frequency and the reunion is soon to occur.
  • Dream About Each Other – Twin flame dreams are subtle, yet powerful. These visions that come in dream form can be hard to interpret because we forget them. When dreams become vivid, you remember them and this is a sign of a twin flame reunion. You may not understand the dreams at first, but as they continue and seep into daydreams as well, a reunion is soon to occur.
  • On a Mission – Twin flames are bonded lightworkers that serve the universe together. You may suddenly awake one day with an urge to do good with an unending stream of empathy. You may understand your purpose in the universe in a way you never have before. This is discovering your mission and these urges will bring you closer to your twin flame.
  • Excited but Relaxed – If you have a new level of excitement without reason, do not fight them. Your soul is relaxed and building up vibrations to match your twin flame so you can align when you meet again.
  • Seeing 11:11 – A twin flame reunion is a major life event that marks new beginnings and great changes. Your mind will start collaborating with the universe to show you signs. One of the most common is seeing 11:11 on clocks, watches, street signs, and even online posts. You will not likely go more than a day or two without seeing this pattern. A twin flame reunion is nearing.
  • Seeing Symbols – The 11:11 symbol is not the only you are likely to see. Seeing symbols is a way for the mind to awake your conscious self and prepare you for what is coming. Pay attention to the signs like pairs of animals or anything else that symbolizes new beginnings or completion.
  • Feel Drawn to a Place – You and your twin flame are destined but you may not connect organically in your daily lives. You may be ready to intertwine and you have to get out of your own way to do that. This is why you may feel like you are drawn to certain places for unknown reasons. This place you are drawn to may be where you reunite with your twin flame, so pay attention.
  • Interacting Beyond the Physical World – As your reunion approaches, you will begin connecting with your twin flame on deeper spiritual levels. This may begin with dreams and seep into quite waking moments. As you meditate you may feel the connection as an undefined link between your souls. By attracting them on an astral realm, you are better attracted on the physical levels.
  • Feel Pumped and Ready – Your brain may not fully comprehend what is happening, but your body will react to an upcoming reunion. You may find yourself more alert, expectant, and excitable. Divine timing will allow this to lead you to your reunion where the excitement will bubble over.
  • Strange Urges – You may feel strange urges to try new places or do new things which means your twin flame is close by. This is the universe’s way of leading you to one another when the timing is right.
  • Don’t Understand New Feelings – As the reunion draws close, unfamiliar convictions may bubble up. This is because two things happen when you reunite with a twin flame, a true soul bond and the subconscious opens up and expands. These may not be all your ideas or beliefs, but they may feel like it because you are so connected to your twin flame. This can be overwhelming, but meditation can help.
  • Feeling of Completion – You may wake up one day feeling complete as if the universe has given you all the answers.
  • Meditation Helps Clarity – Twin flame reunions are intense for those who are unprepared. You may feel peaceful, but extremely busy, but don’t get lost in the new energy. Try meditation to keep your self grounded and connect to the universe. This will not stop the energy, but keep it from overwhelming.
  • Ego Seems Less Important – Superficial feelings will melt away as your twin flame draws nearer. The physical and material will no longer matter as you transcend higher toward your true self. You will no longer be a slave to ego because you know something more meaningful.

Patience is everything on this journey. It is difficult to ignore the symptoms and signs once one is felt because you will be so drawn to your twin flame. Keep in mind that these reunions are not always straightforward, but rest easy knowing the universe is getting things in order.