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How to Develop Your Intuition

Most people have heard of intuition, but you might not know why it is very important and why you would want to develop it. There are so many things that you can do if your intuition is developed that you most likely aren’t even aware of. What is Intuition Intuition comes from things such as: Your higher being. Your spirit guides. Angels Your solar plexus chakra. Higher Self You are more than one p...[Read More]

Grounding in Your Spiritual Journey

Your spiritual journey is all your own, but something all of us need is to stay grounded throughout the journey. While there are many ways to ground oneself, below are some creative ways that you may wish to add into your current practices. Gardening as Sacred Consider gardening as a way to stay grounded and create your own sacred activity. Allow plenty of time to attend to each individual task ca...[Read More]

Using Healing Stones with Chakras for Health

Most people understand that ancient people used crystals for healing, magic, and to gain spiritual powers. Stones have been a part of spirituality and healing for thousands of years. The Bible lists 12 stones that were to be a part of the breastplate for the Levite priests when they were performing certain duties. No modern, scientific evidence exists that crystals heal and they aren’t a typ...[Read More]

Using Regular Playing Cards for Fortune Telling

Cartomancy is a form of fortune telling by using regular cards. This is different than using oracle or tarot cards because people can use any deck of cards that they have and just use it to tell the future like the gypsies can. Where Did Cartomancy Start? Cards have been used to tell the future for a long time and it started in China. This was during the 9th century, and they would use dotted card...[Read More]

The Moon Phase and How it Affects You

Human beings have always used the moon to help them. They have noticed how the moon changes and how it gets different and there has always been a strong connection. The connection with the moon affects the emotions of others but why does this happen? Gravity The moon causes the gravitational pull to be stronger which causes the ocean and the sea to change. When the new moon is there, you experienc...[Read More]

3 Exercises to Benefit Your Shadow Work

The renown psychoanalyst Carl Jun popularized the concept of the shadow self.  One’s shadow self are aspects of yourself you try to reject, but are essential to your personality.  During your childhood, you are conditioned to believe parts of yourself are good or bad depending on the feedback from your caretakers.  For example, if your mother constantly scolded you for being selfish, you could ove...[Read More]

Make A Spiritual Bath Today!

If you are looking to freshen up your self-care routine consider making a spiritual bath to better balance your energy. How can I create a spiritual bath? Blend the following ingredients to enjoy a restorative soak that can purify your aura and optimize your energy. Natural salt: This is base for your cleansing bath due to its ability to pull out toxins and release them.  We recommend 2-3 handful ...[Read More]

Twin Flame Reunion

A twin flame is a person who mirrors your soul in a perfect manner. It is the most intense relationship someone can have in life. You may have already met your twin flame and for some reason you two were not ready to be with one another. Still, your paths are destined to cross again and this is a twin flame reunion. When this is about to happen, the mind and body will be able to feel it because tw...[Read More]

Understanding Your Angelic Energy during an Awakening

Angelic energy is an energy that has high vibrational frequencies. This is from the angels and it can bring you healing. This is a pure energy that has unconditional love and strong feminine and masculine powers. The energies of the angels can raise your mind and your heart and awaken you to a new world. Connecting with Angelic Energy Angelic energy can be connected with through your angel guides....[Read More]

Making Karmic Contracts and How to Understand Them

When your higher self commits to something before you go into your lifetime, it is meant to teach you a lesson and to help you to grow spiritually. Karmic contracts are what happens when you have a soul agreement with someone. This is where your mind and your fate come together, and you agree to your contract. Not every contract will be like another and some of them you cannot negotiate about whil...[Read More]

What is the Dark Side of Being an Empath?

Empaths have natural abilities in order to sense the feelings and emotions of others, but some believe that these abilities are also passed down from generation o generation. They are able to sense what other people feel. Some believe that being an empath can be learned emotions because our mind teaches us how to think and how to react to understand the emotions of others. When an empath is around...[Read More]

How to Deal with Life When Things Don’t Go Your Way

We have all been in situations where things in life do not go our way. When we are out of control of things or when we cannot be in control, this often causes us to have stress or to face anxiety. When we can learn to relax and take a deep breathe, we can learn that we can make it when times are not easy. Sometimes things will not go your way and you have to let life change as it may. When things ...[Read More]